
How To Cook Chicken Of The Woods Mushrooms

Hen of the woods mushrooms are intensely flavorful, and their texture is delectable enough to win over fifty-fifty those who don't commonly eat mushrooms. So, what tin can y'all do to really bring out the all-time in these mushrooms? In this article, nosotros'll talk near how to cook hen of the woods mushrooms, also equally discuss their unique flavour and texture.

What You'll Acquire Today

  • What Does Hen of the Wood Mushroom Taste Like?
  • How to Clean Hen of the Woods Mushroom
    • Should Yous Soak Hen of the Woods Mushrooms?
  • How Do Yous Prepare Hen of the Woods to Swallow?
    • Sauteing Hen of the Woods
    • Roasting Hen of the Wood
  • Conclusion

What Does Hen of the Forest Mushroom Taste Like?

what does hen of the woods taste like

Hen of the woods is a unique mushroom not to be confused with chicken of the forest. While many people agree that chicken of the forest has a craven-like flavor and texture, hen of the woods are generally described as having a more fiery, earthy flavor.

The texture of hen of the woods is what makes this mushroom and so unique. Even people who mostly don't like mushrooms may like hen of the wood because the texture is different from other mushrooms.

This mushroom has been described every bit having a delicate, feathery texture–much lighter and less rubbery than other types of mushrooms. The rich flavor of hen of the woods pairs with its unique texture to make these mushrooms a hit with both mushroom lovers and skeptics.

What's more than, these mushrooms are a treat that can exist found throughout much of the twelvemonth, non just for a brusque season. You can forage for them yourself or detect them at farmers markets and specialty grocers from belatedly summer through early wintertime.

You tin can even abound hen of the wood yourself, though doing then might accept a footling fourth dimension and practice.

To larn more than about hen of the forest mushrooms, check out the following video.

How to Clean Hen of the Woods Mushroom

The best style to clean hen of the forest is to give them a quick rinse. You don't want to soak these frail mushrooms in water, as they will absorb too much of the moisture.

What's more, soaking them may be overkill in terms of the corporeality of cleaning they actually demand. These mushrooms grow on trees, so they won't be down with the other plant droppings of the forest floor and are much less likely than ground-growing mushrooms to be covered with clay.

Yous do, however, want to make sure these mushrooms are gratis of bugs and bits of bark. They grow in a large cluster from a key stem, and their many crevices make perfect hiding places for bugs and any bits of organic matter that become washed into them.

So, before washing your mushrooms, get-go by cleaning them with a mushroom brush or a clean toothbrush. You may have to suspension them into sections or segments to get the best clean.

One time brushed, identify your mushrooms in a colander and use the kitchen sink sprayer to rinse them off. Milk shake the colander to motion the mushrooms around, but be careful not to bruise them.

Should You Soak Hen of the Woods Mushrooms?

Again, soaking allows them to absorb also much water.

Hen of the woods are light, blusterous mushrooms that absorb water even more hands than other mushroom types. If they absorb also much, they will become soggy during the cooking procedure, which will requite them a more than slimy texture.

If your mushrooms are especially muddied and you observe that y'all absolutely must soak them, only do and so briefly. Dunk them in a bowl or sink of water, swish them around one time or twice, and remove them.

Place washed mushrooms on towels and allow them to bleed and air-dry out for at least an hour.

How Do You lot Prepare Hen of the Woods to Swallow?

how do you prepare hen of the woods to eat

Hen of the wood mushrooms are all-time served cooked, equally the cooking process brings out their flavor and improves their texture. The preferred cooking methods for hen of the forest are sauteing and roasting.

Nosotros'll discuss each method below.

Sauteing Hen of the Wood

Sauteing these mushrooms gives them a succulent taste and texture, and information technology doesn't take very long to do. Sauteing them allows you to add lots of additional flavors to starting time the strong peppery taste of these mushrooms.

To saute hen of the woods:

  • Pull autonomously these mushrooms into 3-inch chunks. There is no need to slice them with a knife, as they are very soft and frail. You tin can likewise apply the bottom stem that holds them together – information technology has a very unique flavor.
  • Warm up your pan over medium-high rut, adding the oil of your selection. Olive oil works well for this, every bit does sesame oil if y'all desire to requite them more than of an oriental flavor.
  • When the oil is hot, add the mushrooms, stirring briefly to glaze them in the oil.
  • Permit the mushrooms to cook, uncovered, for two minutes. Flip them over and cook them on the other side for 1 minute.
  • Add table salt and whatever other seasonings of your option. Hen of the woods mushrooms pair well with many dissimilar savory seasonings, including garlic and onion powder, soy sauce, sriracha sauce, oregano, and thyme.
  • Permit the mushrooms to cook one more than infinitesimal after calculation your flavorings, then remove them from the heat.
  • Serve immediately as a standalone side dish, or pair your cooked mushrooms with other recipes such as pasta or pizza.

Roasting Hen of the Wood

Roasting these mushrooms not only brings out the peppery, savory flavor; information technology also enhances the texture. When roasted, these mushrooms go soft on the within with a nice, crispy crust on the outside–mushroom lovers and even some haters often discover them irresistible when cooked this way.

To roast hen of the forest:

  • Start by preheating your oven to 425 degrees–this is hot enough to cook the mushrooms relatively quickly and thoroughly while crisping up the outsides.
  • These mushrooms are tender enough that yous can just pull them apart–no need to slice them with a pocketknife. Only break them carefully into 3-inch pieces, and throw away the base of the stem (the tough office that holds the rest of the mushroom together).
  • In a bowl, mix the mushrooms together with olive oil, salt, and any other seasonings of your pick. Mix them carefully with your hands to keep from breaking them into smaller pieces or bruising them.
  • As noted above, you can use a diversity of seasonings; continue it unproblematic past calculation garlic and onion powder or even only salt, or become more than exotic by adding other flavors. Some good seasoning choices for hen of the wood include oregano, thyme, soy sauce, and sriracha.
  • Spread your oiled and seasoned mushrooms evenly on a baking sheet and bake them for 20 minutes. The edges should be crispy and lightly browned.
  • Serve immediately as a standalone side dish, or add them to pasta, pizza, or other recipes.


Hen of the wood mushrooms are flavorful, savory mushrooms that taste all-time when sauteed or roasted. You can add a variety of seasonings to enhance or balance their peppery flavour, swallow them on their own, or add them to whatsoever number of recipes.


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